When Was Running Invented? A Comprehensive HistoryFrancesco Chiaramonte photoby Francesco Chiaramonte|Published on 2024-10-06


Running has not been "invented" in the traditional sense but has evolved naturally as a part of human development. Fossil records suggest that humans began running at least 2 million years ago, likely as a survival mechanism. This article provides a comprehensive history of running, tracing its origins and evolution to modern times.

Who Invented Running?

The idea that someone "invented" running is a humorous myth, often perpetuated by memes claiming Thomas Running invented it in 1784. In reality, running is a natural human ability that evolved out of necessity for survival, such as escaping predators and hunting prey. No single person can be credited with "inventing" running.

The Origins of Running

Early Human Evolution

Running likely began around 2 million years ago when early humans developed the ability to run as a means of survival. This is supported by the theory of persistence hunting, where humans would chase prey until it was exhausted. Fossil records show that early humans had anatomical features suited for endurance running, such as short toes and an arch in the foot that acts as a spring.

Ancient Civilizations

In ancient civilizations, running was often a necessity. For instance, messengers in ancient Egypt, Greece, and Persia ran long distances to deliver messages. The first known organized running events took place in Greece during the original Olympic Games around 776 BCE.

Running in the Third Millennium

Once humans settled and began farming, running took on new purposes. Ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Persians used messengers who ran long distances, sometimes over difficult terrain where horses could not travel. For example, in the late 7th century BCE, Egyptian King Taharka made his soldiers run a 100-kilometer race to keep them fit.

Running in Modern Times

The Rise of Competitive Running

The first modern Olympic Games in 1896 marked a significant milestone in the history of competitive running. The event included various running races, such as the 100-meter dash and the marathon, which was inspired by the legendary run of Pheidippides from Marathon to Athens.

The Birth of the Marathon

The marathon as we know it today has its roots in the first modern Olympics. The race commemorated Pheidippides' run and covered approximately 25 miles. The official marathon distance of 26.2 miles was established during the 1908 London Olympics to accommodate the British royal family, who wanted to watch the race from their residence.

The Evolution of Jogging

Jogging became popular in the 1960s and 1970s, thanks to figures like Arthur Lydiard and Bill Bowerman. Lydiard, a coach from New Zealand, promoted jogging for its health benefits, and Bowerman introduced the concept to the United States. The publication of the book "Jogging" in 1967 helped further popularize the activity.

Running as a Sport

Running became a formal sport in 776 BCE during the first Olympic Games in Olympia, Greece. The initial events were short sprints, but longer races were added over time. The Boston Marathon, founded in 1897, is the world's oldest annual marathon and helped popularize long-distance running.

A Timeline of How Modern Running Evolved

  • 490 BCE: Pheidippides' legendary run from Marathon to Athens.
  • 1896: First modern Olympic Games featuring running events.
  • 1897: Boston Marathon is established.
  • 1908: Marathon distance set at 26.2 miles during the London Olympics.
  • 1970s: Running boom in the United States, with millions taking up the sport.
  • 1984: Women's marathon included in the Summer Olympics.


Running has evolved from a survival mechanism to a popular sport enjoyed by millions worldwide. Whether for fitness, competition, or leisure, running continues to be an integral part of human life. Each time you lace up your running shoes and hit the road, you contribute to the ever-evolving history of running.

Frequently Asked Questions

Was running invented in 1748?

No, running was not invented in 1748. Humans have been running for millions of years as a natural ability essential for survival.

When did running become a formal sport?

Running became a formal sport in 776 BCE during the first Olympic Games in Olympia, Greece.

Running became a popular activity for everyday people in the 1970s during the running boom in the United States.

The running shoe became popular in the late 19th century, significantly improving the comfort and efficiency of running.


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